Richmond, Virginia DUI Lawyers
You can be convicted of a DUI in Richmond, VA if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is great than 0.08%. If there is proof that you are under the influence of drugs (even legal prescription or over-the-counter drugs) that impair your driving, you can be arrested for DWI with a BAC of zero. Being arrested for DUI or DWI in Richmond, Virginia can have life-changing consequences, so it is important to contact an experienced Richmond DUI lawyer right away.
Excellent DUI Attorney
Mr. Long did an amazing job of preparing my defense case when all things were looking bad against me. He came prepared with information and documentation that would be the deciding factor that would help us win in trial and keep me out of jail. ~Phil January, 2018
Call our experienced Richmond DUI Lawyers today for a FREE DUI consultation 804-298-7773!
If you’ve never had a DUI or DWI, you might not realize that it’s not a traffic violation. You’ll be arrested, taken to the police station, and required to go to court. If you want to plead innocent and fight the DUI arrest, contact our experienced Richmond DUI lawyers to defend you.
Remember, a DUI arrest does not mean a DUI conviction – With the help of an experienced DUI Lawyer
It is important to understand that there are a lot of laws that pertain to a DUI arrest and very specific procedures that must be followed. Our experienced Richmond DUI lawyers know the laws and where mistakes can be made during a DUI arrest. Regardless of how you were arrested for DUI, whether it was at a Richmond DUI checkpoint or while you were driving on one of the many Richmond area roads, there are specific legal requirements that must have been followed.
Richmond DUI Lawyer David Long focuses his practice in the areas of DUI and traffic offenses. He may be able to find a legal problem with the case that results in a not guilty verdict or reach a resolution that results in a reduced charge. Contact our Richmond law firm for a FREE DUI arrest consultation before you are convicted of a DUI in Richmond, Virginia.
Our Richmond DUI law firm will thoroughly look into several important factors, such as:
- The legality of the Richmond traffic stop: Was the police officer justified in stopping you in the first place? Or might harassment or discrimination have been involved in the stop?
- The validity and reliability of the blood or breath test, if you submitted one: Had the Breathalyzer been properly maintained and calibrated?
- Mitigating circumstances: Was there some other explanation to account for erratic behavior that led the police officer to the conclusion that you were driving under the influence— perhaps a diabetic condition or other medical emergencies?